Friday, January 8, 2016

Final Evaluation

As the semester comes to end, its weird to see how much I have learned since the first day of classes. Japanese class has by far been my most interesting, fun, and lively class I have had this year. The teachers and students really brought a different vibe to the table than all my other classes. As I look back on my goals I made for this class there are some moments of relief that I accomplished what I wanted and others a little more unsatisfactory. I was able to increase my speed of speech, and learn the pitch patterns more of certain vocabulary words and phrases; however, I still slacked on my grammar and listening practices. At the end of this, I am proud of what I was able to accomplish and very excited for what next semester has for me!


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

わたしのいとこ アート

               わたしのいとこ アート
