Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thanksgiving Break


このサンクスギビング, わたしは うちに かえいりました。うちに かえって、ゆっくりしました。ぼくわ りょうしんをあいました。りょうしんは たのしくて、うれしいです。さびしくて、ともだちに よびました。ぼくは とまだちと たいいくかんで およいで、こうえんに じょぎんぐをしました。 


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Reflection on Previous Goals

With the first half of the first semester done, I think I did a pretty okay job fulfilling most of my goals. I would go back to my dorm every night and rewrite the katakana and hiragana alphabet, and listen to Japanese music(used some of these for my PE). For me, I never realized how much I improved due to new material being presented everyday and the pace of the class being so fast. However, as I write my new goals, the fact that I can cross off some of my past goals tells me I am improving. Although at first Japanese class intimidated me, I have really come to enjoy the class, my classmates, and my teachers. I am excited for what is yet to come, and just struggling along learning the present material.


Revised Class Goals

1). Pronunciation
~With pronunciation, I want to work on being able to pronounce word pitch properly and sound more "natural" in my speech. Along with pronunciation, I still want to be able to better understand others when they speak to me in Japanese.(ie. conversations...& oral midterm
 (。・゚ヾ(✦థ ェ థ)ノ。゚・。)
Still the same as before, I want to work on my speech speed and listening speed to the point where I can seem normal in conversations understanding what they are saying and not having to ask for them to repeat what they said or to speak slower.
3). Grammar/Writing
Want to improve grammar usage and sentence structure
~to Improve use of and understanding of particles
~work on writing kanji
I want to increase my reading speed

How to:
~Do at least two anime shadowing every month along with the chapter's grammar practices
~ Sign up for at least one session of office hours a week to practice particle use, dicta conversation, and normal conversation.
~Do the quizlets made for each chapter's vocabulary(do every chapter at least once a day to help memorize vocabulary)
~Watch anime/listen to Jrock music
~Practice writing Kanji everyday

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

1st Video Blog c:


たまご:おはよう ひよりさん。はじめまして よこです どおぞよろしく。
ひより:あのう、はじめまして ひよりです どおぞよろしく。
ひより:よこさんは どこからきましたか。
たまご:わたしは あなたのゆめのなか からきました。
ひより:あとも すこしね。
たまご:ひよりさんは よくあさごはんをたべましたか。なにをたべましたか。
ひより:はい、いつも あさごはんをたべます。そして たまごたべます。
たまご:ひよりさんは! こんあさ シャワーをあびますか。
ひより:いいえ いいえ、いつもまいばん シャワーをあびます。

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Class Goals (. ゚ー゚)

1. Pronunciation
With pronunciation, I want to work on being able to pronounce word pitch properly and sound more "native" in my speech. Along with pronunciation, I want to be able to better understand Japanese speech from a peer or native speaker, and to be able to distinguish long vowels and glides in words from other speakers.
2. Speed
Probably the hardest of all the goals I want to achieve, I want to work on my speech speed and listening speed to the point where I can understand normal speed conversation and be able to reply in the same manner.
3. Grammar/Writing
I want to improve correct grammar usage, understanding the use and idea of particles, and be able to write at a faster pace

How To:
Attend Japanese Table at least 2 times a month and practice speaking with other students and teachers

Do at least one anime shadowing + another activity on speak everywhere per week to practice
listening and speech speed.

Listen to Japanese music and sing along

Write both the Katakana and Hiragana alphabets 3 times a day to improve writing speed


Monday, September 28, 2015

About Me \(^o^)/



Thursday, September 17, 2015

1st Blog :)

  • Ohayoo Guzaimasu! Deciding to take Japanese for me was a personal choice; My parents, friends, and even advisors did not really understand why I wanted to take Japanese, and even tried to sway me away from it. Why Japanese though? I was intrigued by the sounds of the language, a lot different than my 10 years of Spanish throughout my primary and secondary schooling, and the culture that was behind it. Like most people, whom I assume that take this class, I too love anime and manga. However besides that, artists like Yayoi Kusama and cities like Tokyo have intrigued me for most of my high school years with their works, lights, and sounds. Coming into this class, I feared that my deficiency of language would show. After these past two classes I have felt more at ease, but definitely have a lot of work to do in terms of properly pronouncing the words and writing out the characters. I look forward to progressing in this class and hopefully making friends along the way. Ja, Mata everyone!